Junior Khaos

(6 – 11 yrs)

Camp Hours
9:00 am – 4:00 pm

Extended day hours take place from 7:30-9:00am and 4:00-5:45pm at an extra fee. A variety of supervised activities will be offered.

This is a program specifically designed for older children. Every week is a new adventure with weekly fields trips, theme days and swimming.

With our sports specialist, kids can expect handball, softball, soccer, field hockey, volleyball, football, basketball, track & field sports, badminton, and more!

Children will love our hip hop/breakdance specialist, art with the art specialist, and hands on science with our Science specialist!

Our Staff to camper ratio is 1:8.

Optional overnights at YCC will be a favorite. With a variety of fun activities in the great outdoors like canoeing, archery, rope courses, gold, and bonfires, it will be a time to remember.

Camp Fees 2025

310$ per week

Did you know the Quebec & Canada government credits you a percentage

of  your camp fees as it is considered childcare?

Check out the calculator at the link below to see what your camp fees will actually cost. You may also qualify for advanced payments.

(Please note that to put in the daily contribution please take your weekly fee and divide by 5 to put the correct number in the calculator.

300 per week = 60$ as daily contribution. You must also indicate the number of days you are planning to attend camp… 2 weeks =10 days.

Cost of a childcare space calculator for 2025, Calculators, Ministère des Finances (gouv.qc.ca)

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